I am an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at Emory University.
My research interests include numerical methods and software for computing solutions to large-scale inverse problems, such as those that arise in imaging applications.
Click here for my CV
Click here for my Google Scholar page
- NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow
July 2009- August 2011
Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland at College Park
Advisor: Dianne O'Leary - Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics
August 2004-May 2009
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University
Advisor: James Nagy - B.A. with Highest Honors, Emory University
August 2000-May 2004
Major: Mathematics, Minor: Dance and Movement Studies
Selected Honors and Awards:
- NSF ATD grant awarded!
- Computationally efficient algorithms for detecting anomalous atmospheric emissions
- with Arvind Saibaba (North Carolina State) and Scot Miller (Johns Hopkins University)
- I am honored to serve as an Associate Editor for the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
- I was an invited plenary speaker at the 2021 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
- For the 2019-2020 academic year, I was at the Institute of Mathematics at TU Berlin . Many thanks for support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and from my host Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok.
- NSF CAREER grant awarded!
- Integrated Approaches for Fast and Accurate Large-scale Inversion
- Read about it in the VT news story
Other Opportunities and News:
- Mathematics - Opportunities in Research and Education: Undergraduate Conferences at Virginia Tech and Clemson University
MORE 2019, STRIVE for MORE 2020, and STRIVE for MORE 2021 - Virginia Tech's Talented Young Mathematician's E-day
VT-TYME - I was on a Girls to STEM-MD Panel: WDBJ7 Roanoke Times
- My PhD student J. Tanner Slagel (co-advised with Matthias Chung) was featured on SAMSI's Blog
- Job Searching Tips for graduate students and recent graduates
- Thinking of a career in applied mathematics? a brochure from SIAM