MATH 526 Applied Mathematical Statistics I
2015 Fall, University of Kansas
Instructor: Le Chen
Email :
Office : Snow Hall, 541
Office Hours : MWF 12:00-12:50 or by appointment
Class Meeting Times : MWF 11:00-11:50 in 3092 Malott
Time period : August 24, 2015 (first lecture) --- December 9, 2015 (last lecture).
Custom Mathematics:
Probability & Statistics for Engineers, by Ronald E. Walpole, Raymong H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers and Keying Ye, Pearson 2012
Course Description:
This is a calculus based probability and statistic course.
The course contains two parts: probability and statistics,
which will cover the above textbook mostly from Chapters 2 to 10.
- For the probability part, the content will include basic probability theory, conditional probability,
Bayes formula, dependence and independence, expectation, variance, laws of large numbers, central limit theorem,
and some special distributions such as binomial distribution,
multinomial distribution, Poisson distribution, negative binomial distribution, normal distribution,
uniform distribution, exponential distribution, etc.
- As for the statistic part, we will study fundamental sampling, data presentations,
one- and two-sample estimations, one- and two-sample hypotheses tests,
and some related distributions such as Student t-distribution, Chi distribution, F distribution, etc.
Grading Policy:
There will be weekly homework (25%), two midterm exams (20%+20%) and the final exam (35%).
- Homework should be turned in on every Monday right before or after the lecture. (Assignments, see below)
- Midterm exams will be in class:
Midterm 1: Friday, Sept. 25.
Midterm 2: Friday, Oct. 30.
Final: Tuesday, Dec. 15. 10:30 -- 13:00 in the same classroom.
- The date for the exam will be announced latter.
Later exam or later homework is not accepted.
Announcement: Student within-class number has been assigned to each student on blackboard system. Please use the number for both homework and exams.
Two projects for bonus points are avaible now: secifications and deadline has been postponed from Dec. 2nd to Dec. 7th.
Some statistics

Assignments of homework
- Week 1 (due on Aug. 31):
- Monday: 2.14, 2.17, 2.19, 2.20.
- Wednesday: 2.32, 2.36, 2.38, 2.40.
- Friday: 2.43, 2.45, 2.46.
- Solutions
- Week 2 (due on Sep. 9):
- Monday: 2.49, 2.51, 2.58, 2.59.
- Wednesday: 2.73, 2.74, 2.76, 2.77.
- Friday: 2.78, 2.80, 2.82, 2.89.
- Solutions
- Week 3 (due on Sep. 14):
- Wednesday: 2.90, 2.92.
- Friday: 2.95, 2.97, 3.2, 3.4.
- Solutions
- Week 4 (due on Sep. 21):
- Monday: 3.5, 3.10, 3.12.
- Wednesday: 3.6, 3.7. 3.36.
- Friday: 3.38, 3.40.
- Solutions
- Week 5 (due on Sep. 28):
- Week 6 (due on Oct. 5):
- Monday: 4.2, 4.4, 4.10.
- Wednesday: 4.17, 4.23, 4.26, 4.34, 4.43.
- Friday: 4.45, 4.59, 4.60.
- Solutions
- Week 7 (due on Oct. 14):
- Monday: 4.52, 4.62, 4.63, 4.78.
- Wednesday: 5.9, 5.18.
- Friday: 5.23, 5.29, 5.31, 5.32, 5.40.
- Solutions
- Week 8 (due on Oct. 19):
- Monday: (fall break).
- Wednesday: 5.49, 5.50, 5.55.
- Friday: 5.57, 5.58, 5.62.
- Solutions
- Week 9 (due on Oct. 26):
- Monday: 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6.
- Wednesday: 6.8, 6.10, 6.13, 6.22, 6.23.
To use TI 83/84 calculator to calculate areas under standard normal curve:
some instructions or a video.
- Friday: 6.24, 6.32.
- Solutions
- Week 10 (due on Nov. 2):
- Week 11 (due on Nov. 9):
- Monday: 8.2, 8.10, 8.12.
- Wednesday: 8.17, 8.18, 8.24, 8.25.
- Friday: 8.32, 8.34, 8.40, 8.41.
- Solutions
- Week 12 (due on Nov. 16):
- Monday: 8.44, 8.45, 8.47, 8.48.
- Wednesday: 8.52.
- Friday: 9.2, 9.29, 9.31.
- Solutions
- Week 13 (due on Nov. 23):
- Monday: 9.4, 9.5, 9.11, 9.14, 9.20.
- Wednesday: 9.36, 9.38, 9.46.
- Friday: 9.53, 9.58, 9.62, 9.66.
- Solutions
- Week 14 (due on Nov. 30):
- Monday: 10.6, 10.7.
- Wednesday: Thanks giving holiday.
- Friday: Thanks giving holiday.
- Solutions
- Week 15 (due on Dec. 7):
- Monday: 10.15, 10.16, 10.20.
- Wednesday: 10.26, 10.28, 10.40.
- Friday: 10.80, 10.86.
- Solutions