Recent Publications and Preprints

by Suresh Venapally

R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Local-global principle for classical groups over function fields of p-adic curves
Asher Auel, V. Suresh
Failure of the local-global principle for isotropy of quadratic forms over rational function fields
Philippe Gille, R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Local triviality for G-torsors
To appear in Math.Ann.
V. Suresh
Third Galois Cohomology group of function fields of curves over number fields
Algebra and Number Theory 14 (2020), 701-729.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thelene, David Harbater, Julia Hartman, Daniel Krashen, R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Local-global principles for tori over arithmetic curves
Algebraic Geometry 7 (2020), 607–633
David Harbater, Julia Hartman, Daniel Krashen, R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Local-global Galois theory of arithmetic function fields
Israel J. Math. 232 (2019), 849-882
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thelene, David Harbater, Julia Hartman, Daniel Krashen, R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Local-Global Principles for Zero-Cycles on Homogeneous Spaces over Arithmetic Function Fields
Trans. of AMS 372 (2019), 5263-5286
R.Gordon-Sarney, V. Suresh
Totaro's Question on Zero-Cycles on Torsors
Duke. Math. J. 167 (2018), 385-395.
R.Parimala, R. Preeti, V. Suresh
Local-global principle for reduced norms over function fields of p-adic curves
Compositio Mathematica 154 (2018), 410-458.
R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Degree three cohomology of function fields of surfaces
Int Math Res Notices 2016(14) ( 2016), 4341-4374.
Jean-Louis Collior-Thelene, R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Lois de reciprocite superieures et points rationnels
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), 4219-4255.
R.Parimala, V. Suresh
On the u-invariant of Function Fields of Curves Over Complete Discretely Valued Fields
Adv. Math. 280 (2015), 729-742.
Asher Auel, R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Quadric surface bundles over surfaces
Doc. Math. 2015, Extra vol.: Alexander S. Merkurjev’s sixtieth birthday, 31-70.
S.S. Parihar, V. Suresh
Division algebras of higher degree over rational function fields in one variable
J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 81 (2014), 283-293.
R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Period-index and u-invariant questions for function fields over complete discretely valued fields
Invent. Math. 197 (2014), 215-235.
Max Lieblich, R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Colliot-Thelene conjecture and finiteness of u-invariants
Math. Ann. 360 (2014), 1-22
B. Surendranath Reddy, V. Suresh
Admissibility of groups over function fields of p-adic curves
Adv. in Math. 237 (2013), 316-330.
S.S. Parihar, V. Suresh
On the u-invariant of hermitian forms
J. Proc. Math. Sci. 123 (2013), 303-313.
V. Suresh
A Hasse principle for quadratic forms
Math. Student 80 (2011), no. 1-4, 67-72 (2012).
J.-L. Colliot-Thelene, R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Patching and local-global principles for homogeneous spaces over function fields of p-adic curves
Commentari Math. Helv. 87 (2012), 1011-1033
V. Suresh
Quadratic Forms, Galois Cohomology and Function Fields of p-adic Curves
Proc. of ICM 2010, Vol II (2010), 189-199.
V. Suresh
Bounding the symbol length in the Galois cohomology of function field of p-adic curves
Comm. Math. Helv. 85(2010), 337-346.
R.Parimala, V. Suresh
The u-invariant of the function fields of p-adic curves
Annals of Mathematics 172(2010), No. 2, 1391-1405.
R.Parimala, V. Suresh, J.-P. Tignol
On the Pfister Number of Quadratic Forms
Contemp. Math. 493(2009), 327-338.
R.Parimala, V. Suresh
The u-invariant of the function fields of p-adic curves
Annals of Mathematics 172(2010), No. 2, 1391-1405.
J.-L. Colliot-Thelene, V. Suresh
Quelques questions d'approximation faible pour les tores algebriques
Annales De L’Institut Fourier, 57(2007), 273-288.
V. Suresh
Discriminants of involutions
Indian J. Pure and Appl. Math. 37(2006), 3-7.
R.Parimala, V. Suresh
On the length of a quadratic forms
Algebra and Number Theory, Hindustan Book Agency (2005), 147-157.
V. Suresh
Galois Cohomology in degree 3 of function fields of curves over number fields,
J. Number Theory 107 (2004), 80-94.
V. Suresh
The u-invariant of the function fields of p-adic curves
Advances in Algebra and Geometry, Hindustan Book Agency (2003), 105-107.
R.Parimala, R. Sridharan, V. Suresh
Hermitian Analogue of a Theorem of Springer
J. Algebra 243(2)( 2001), 780-789.
E. Frossard, V. Suresh
Appendix to ”Un princpe local-global pour les zero-cycles sur les surfaces reglees”
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 13(1)(2000), 101 - 127.
R.Parimala, P. Sinclair, R. Sridharan, V. Suresh
Anisotropic hermitian spaces over the plane
Math Z. 232(4) (1999), 589-605.
R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Isotropy of quadratic forms over function fields in one variable over p-adic fields
Publ. de I.H.E.S. 88 (1998), 129-150.
R.Paramala, V. Suresh, Mannish L. Thakur
Jordan algebras and F4 bundles over the affine plane
J. Alg. 198 (1997), 582-607
M. Ojanguren, R.Parimala, R. Sridharan, V. Suresh,
Witt groups of the punctured spectrum of a 3-dimensional regular local ring and a purity theorem
J. London Math. Soc.(2) 59 (1999), 521-540.
V. Suresh
Zero cycles on Conic fibrations and a conjecture of Bloch
K-Theory 10 (1996), 597-610.
R.Parimala, R. Sridharan, V. Suresh
An exact sequence of Witt groups,
an appendix to the paper “Galois cohomology of the classical groups over fields of cohomological dimension 2" by E. Bayer-Fluckiger and R. Parimala, Invt. Math. 122 (1995), 195-229.
R.Parimala, V. Suresh
Zero-cycles on quadric fibrations: finiteness theorems and the cycle map,
Invent. Math. 122 (1995), 83-117.
V. Suresh
Linear Relations in Eichler Orthogonal Transformations,
J. Alg. 168 (1994), 804-809.
R.Parimala, R. Sridharan, V. Suresh
A Question On The Discriminants of Involutions of Central Division Algebras
Math. Ann. 297 (1993) 575-580.
V. Suresh
On the canonical class of hyperelliptic curves
Contemp. Math. 155 (1994), 399-404.