Victoria Powers
- Address:
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Emory University
- Atlanta, GA 30322
Office: N418 Mathematics and Science Center Fax: (404)727-5611 E-mail: vpowers at
- Research Interests:
- positive polynomials and sums of squares, real algebraic geometry, mathematics of voting
- Research Activities:
- CV (updated January, 2017)
- Publications
- Recent preprints
- Teaching Schedule, Fall 2017:
- Math 250 Foundations of Mathematics, TTh 8:30-9:45
Math 385/QTM 385 Mathematics of Voting, TTh 11:30-12:45
- Office hours:
- Math 250: Tues 2-3; Wed 2-3:30
- Math/QTM 385: Mon 1:30-3; Wed 10:30-12
- Other Information:
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