Below I've included a dropdown where you can select different pictures I've written in TikZ.
The image it would produce will display below and the TikZ code will be displayed below that.
Your browser will be generating each image from the code provided.
This is done with TikZJax. I haven't figured out how to make arrows work, so what should have arrows have blunt ends.
It will take a while for some pictures to load! Especially the ones where I've crammed a few pictures in at once.
You are free to use any of the tikz code below.
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale = 1.3, yscale=2.2]
\draw [help lines] (0,-1) grid (8,2);
\draw [fill = lightgray, thick, |-|] (-.2 , 0) -- (8.2, 0) ;
\draw [fill = lightgray, thick, |-|] (0 , -1.1) -- (0, 2.1) ;
\node[right ] at (0, 2.1) {$f(x)$ miles};
\node[above right] at (8,0) {$x$ miles};
\foreach \x in {1,2,3,4,5,...,8} {
\foreach \y in {-1,1,2} {
\draw [thick] (\x,0.05) -- (\x,-0.05) node [below] {$ \x $};
\draw [thick] (0.05,\y) -- (-0.05,\y) node [left] {$ \y $};
\draw [ultra thick] (0,2) -- (3,-1) -- (4,0) -- (6,0) -- (7,2) -- (8,2);
\begin{scope} [scale = .4444]
\draw[fill=white] (0,0) rectangle (9,9);
\foreach \x in {.333,1.333,...,8.333} {
\foreach \y in {.333,1.333,...,8.333} {
\draw[fill = black, thin] (\x,\y) rectangle (\x+.333,\y+.333);
\foreach \x in {1,4,7} {
\foreach \y in {1,4,7} {
\draw[fill = black, thin] (\x,\y) rectangle (\x+1,\y+1);
\draw[fill=black, thin] (3,3) rectangle (6,6);
\begin{scope}[scale = .16, xshift = 900]
\draw[fill=white] (0,0) rectangle (25,25);
\foreach \x in {.4,1.4,...,24.4} {
\foreach \y in {.4,1.4,...,24.4} {
\draw[thin, fill = black] (\x,\y) rectangle (\x+.2,\y+.2);
\foreach \x in {2,7,...,22} {
\foreach \y in {2,7,...,22} {
\draw[thin, fill = black] (\x,\y) rectangle (\x+1,\y+1);
\draw[thin, fill = black] (10,10) rectangle (15,15);
\draw[thick](-.5,-.5) rectangle (7.5,7.5);
\foreach \y in {-.5,1.5,...,5.5}{
\foreach \x in {-.5,1.5,...,5.5}{
\draw[fill=lightgray] (\x,\y) rectangle (1+\x,1+\y) rectangle (2+\x,2+\y);
\draw[] (\x,2+\y) rectangle (1+\x,1+\y) rectangle (2+\x,\y);
\node at (5,3) {\huge R};
\draw[fill=red,opacity=.2] (-.5,2.5) rectangle (4.5,3.5)(5.5,2.5) rectangle (7.5,3.5)(4.5,-.5) rectangle (5.5,2.5)(4.5,3.5) rectangle (5.5,7.5);
\draw[fill=blue,opacity=.2] (-.5,2.5) rectangle (4.5,3.5)(5.5,2.5) rectangle (7.5,3.5)(4.5,-.5) rectangle (5.5,2.5)(4.5,3.5) rectangle (5.5,7.5);
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = .4]
\foreach \x in {0,.666,2,2.666,6,6.666,8,8.666}{
\foreach \y in {0,.666,2,2.666,6,6.666,8,8.666}{
\draw[fill] (\x,\y) rectangle (\x+.334,\y+.344);
\draw[ red, very thick] (3, -.5) -- (6, -.5);
\draw[ red, very thick] (-.5, 3) -- (-.5, 6);
\node [above] at (4.5,10.2) {Level 3};
\node [above] at (4.5,9.25) {2D Cantor dust};
\begin{scope}[xshift = 15cm]
\draw[ red, very thick] (3, -.5) -- (6, -.5);
\draw[ red, very thick] (-.5, 3) -- (-.5, 6);
\draw[fill=black] (0,0) rectangle (9,9);
\foreach \x in {.333,1.333,...,8.333} {
\foreach \y in {.333,1.333,...,8.333} {
\draw[fill = white] (\x,\y) rectangle (\x+.333,\y+.333);
\foreach \x in {1,4,7} {
\foreach \y in {1,4,7} {
\draw[fill = white] (\x,\y) rectangle (\x+1,\y+1);
\draw[fill=white] (3,3) rectangle (6,6);
\node [above] at (4.5,10.2) {Level 3};
\node [above] at (4.5,9) {Sierpinski carpet};
\begin{scope}[xscale = .8, yscale = .6]
\draw [fill = black, |-|] (-1 , 0) -- (5, 0) ;
\draw [fill = black, |-|] (0 , -1) -- (0, 7) ;
\node[above] at (5,0) {$x$};
\node[right] at (0,7) {$y$};
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,5} {
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4,7} {
\draw [thick] (\x,0.05) -- (\x,-0.05) node [below] {$ \x $};
\draw [thick] (0.05,\y) -- (-0.05,\y) node [left] {$ \y $};
\draw [thick] (0.05,5) -- (-0.05,5) node [right] {$ 5 $};
\draw [thick] (0.05,6) -- (-0.05,6) node [right] {$ 6 $};
\draw[|-|, ultra thick, domain= -0.55:4.55] plot (\x, {(\x-2)*(\x-2)});
\node[left] at (4.4, 6.3) {$y= (x-2)^2$};
\draw[|-|, ultra thick, domain=-0.55:4.55] plot (\x, {\x});
\node[left] at (-.6,-.5) {$y=x$};
\begin{scope}[xshift = 300, yshift=80, xscale = .5, yscale = .35]
\draw [fill = black, |-|] (-9 , 0) -- (3.3, 0) ;
\draw [fill = black, |-|] (0 , -9) -- (0, 3) ;
\node[above] at (3.3,0) {$x$};
\node[above] at (0,3) {$y$};
\foreach \x in {-9,-7,...,-3,1} {
\foreach \y in {-9,-7,...,-3,1,3} {
\draw [thick] (\x,0.05) -- (\x,-0.05) node [below] {$ \x $};
\draw [thick] (0.05,\y) -- (-0.05,\y) node [left] {$ \y $};
\draw [thick] (-1,0.05) -- (-1,-0.05);
\draw [thick] (0.05,-1) -- (-0.05,-1);
\draw[|-|, ultra thick, domain= -7:3.1] plot ( {(12 - \x*\x)/4} , {\x});
\node[above] at (-9,-6.5) {$4x + y^2 = 12$};
\draw[|-|, ultra thick, domain=-9.1:3.1] plot (\x, {\x});
\node[right] at (-8.2,-8.5) {$y=x$};
\begin{scope}[xscale = 1.5, yscale = 1, yshift = -100, xshift = 35]
\draw [fill = black, |-|] (-2.2 , 0) -- (2.2, 0) ;
\draw [fill = black, |-|] (0 , -2.2) -- (0, 2.2) ;
\node[above] at (2,0) {$x$};
\node[right] at (0,2) {$y$};
\foreach \x in {-2,-1.5,.5,1.5,2} {
\foreach \y in {-2,-1.5,-.5,.5,...,2} {
\draw [thick] (\x,0.05) -- (\x,-0.05) node [below] {$ \x $};
\draw [thick] (0.05,\y) -- (-0.05,\y) node [left] {$ \y $};
\draw [thick] (-.5,0.05) -- (-.5,-0.05);
\draw[|-|, ultra thick, domain= -1.75:1.75] plot ( {(1 - \x*\x} , {\x});
\node[below] at (-1.6,1.5) {$x = 1 - y^2$};
\draw[|-|, ultra thick, domain=-1.75:1.75] plot ({\x*\x -1}, {\x});
\node[below] at (1.6,1.5) {$x = y^2 - 1$};
\begin{scope}[scale = 2.25, xshift = 15, yshift = -65, xshift = 70]
\draw [fill = black, |-|] (-.1 , 0) -- (2.5, 0) ;
\draw [fill = black, |-|] (0 , -.1) -- (0, 1.5) ;
\node[above] at (2.5,0) {$x$};
\node[right] at (0,1.5) {$y$};
\foreach \x in {.5,1,...,2.5} {
\foreach \y in {.25,.5,...,1.5} {
\draw [thick] (\x,0.05) -- (\x,-0.05) node [below] {$ \x $};
\draw [thick] (0.05,\y) -- (-0.05,\y) node [left] {$ \y $};
\draw[|-|, ultra thick, domain= .6:2.55] plot (\x, {1/(\x)});
\node[left] at (.75,1.3) {$y = 1/x$};
\draw[|-|, ultra thick, domain= .77:2.55] plot (\x, {1/(\x * \x)});
\node[left] at (1.4,.4) {$y = 1/x^2$};
\draw[|-|, ultra thick] (2,0) -- (2,1.5);
\node[below] at (1.7,1.5) {$x = 2$};
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale = .9, yscale=0.2]
\draw[help lines] (0,-15) grid (10,24);
\draw[blue!60!black, thick, smooth, domain=0:10] plot (\x, {-5.641*cos(deg(\x / (1.6) + 0.171 )) - 0.812}) ;
\draw[purple!80!black, thick, smooth, domain=0:10] plot (\x, {-14.025*cos(deg(\x / (1.6) + 0.171 )) - 0.812}) ;
\draw[cyan!60!black, thick, domain=0:10] plot (\x, {6.667*cos(deg(\x / (1.63) + 0.171 )) + 6.937}) ;
\draw[orange!80!black, thick, domain=0:10] plot (\x, {16.812*cos(deg(\x / (1.63) + 0.171 )) + 6.937}) ;
\node[right] at (10,13.5) {Vega Baja to Arecibo at 10 km/hr};
\node[right] at (10,23.5) {Vega Baja to Arecibo at 25 km/hr};
\node[right] at (10,-6.5) {Arecibo to Vega Baja at 10 km/hr};
\node[right] at (10,-14.5) {Arecibo to Vega Baja at 25 km/hr};
\node[left] at (0, 0) {0};
\node[below] at (0, -15) {0};
\node[below] at (5, -15) {180};
\node[below] at (5, -17) {Angle of Wind in Degrees};
\node[below] at (10, -15) {360};
\node[left] at (0, 4.5) {$ D_f' - \Delta D$};
\draw (0,0) circle (1in);