y^2 = x^3 - x

    We will meet at 2:30 pm on Tuesdays in E406. Here is a tentative schedule for reading chapter 4 of Hartshorne during Spring 2025:

    Date Plan Speaker
    January 14: Review of Weil divisors, class group, examples Nat
    January 21: Cancelled due to weather/campus closure
    January 28: Cartier divisors, invertible sheaves Nat
    February 4: Relative differentials, canonical sheaf, Riemann-Roch Matthew
    February 11: Hurwitz's Theorem Akash
    February 18: Embeddings in proj space pt 1 ???
    February 25: Embeddings in proj space pt 2 Nat
    March 4: Elliptic curves: j-invariant ???
    March 18: Elliptic curves: group structure, jacobian variety ???
    March 25: Elliptic curves: elliptic functions Nat
    April 1: Elliptic curves: Hasse invariant, rational points Nat
    April 8: The cannonical embedding, classification of curves ???
    April 15: Classification of curves in P^3 ???
    April 22: Geometry on a surface ???
    April 29: Ruled surfaces ???