Courses at Emory University
- Spring 2025, Fall 2022- MATH 561, Matrix Analysis
- Fall 2024, Spring 2023 - MATH 385, Mathematical Foundations of Data Science
- Fall 2024 - MATH 221, Linear Algebra
- Spring 2024 - MATH 315, Numerical Analysis
- Fall 2023 - MATH 515, Numerical Analysis
Previous courses at Virginia Tech
- Spring 2022 - MATH 5524, Matrix Theory
- Fall 2021 - CMDA 3606, Mathematical Modeling: Methods and Tools II
- Computational Modeling and Data Analytics (CMDA), Virginia Tech
- Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30AM-10:45AM and 11:00AM-12:15PM
- This course introduces advanced numerical methods for solving large-scale inverse problems, optimization problems, linear systems, and eigenvalue problems. Emphasis will be given to computational concerns when dealing with large-scale problems.
- Specific topics include:
- mathematical modeling and the forward problem
- numerical linear algebra, least squares, singular value decomposition, iterative solutions to linear systems of equations, numerical solutions to eigenvalue problems
- discrete inverse problems, ill-posed problems and regularization, direct and iterative regularization methods, methods for selecting regularization parameters
- large-scale optimization for computing solutions to inverse problems
- numerical optimization – unconstrained and constrained
- nonlinear equations
- Spring 2021 - CMDA 3606, Mathematical Modeling: Methods and Tools II
- Fall 2020 - Math 2405H, Mathematics in a Computational Context
- Unified course covering techniques of linear algebra, differential equations, and integral calculus for functions of several variables. 2405H-2406H constitutes the standard second year mathematics courses for science and engineering. Specific topics include:
- Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, linear independence, bases, orthonormal bases, rank, linear transformations and diagonalization, ordinary differential equations, first-order, second- and higher order homogeneous linear equations and implementation with contemporary software.
- Fall 2018 - CMDA 3606, Mathematical Modeling: Methods and Tools II
- Fall 2018 - Math 2405H, Mathematics in a Computational Context
- Spring 2018 - Math/CS 5486, Numerical Analysis and Software
- Presentation and analysis of numerical methods for solving common mathematical and physical problems. This course is for graduate students in any computational field and will cover numerical algorithms for unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, least squares problems (linear and nonlinear), nonlinear algebraic systems, inverse problems, and other advanced topics. Emphasis will be on efficiency, accuracy, and reliability of methods and software.
- Fall 2017 - Math 2405H, Mathematics in a Computational Context
- Spring 2017 - CMDA 3606, Mathematical Modeling: Methods and Tools II
- Fall 2016 - Math 2405H, Mathematics in a Computational Context
- Spring 2016 - CMDA 3606, Mathematical Modeling: Methods and Tools II
- Fall 2015 - Math 2405H, Mathematics in a Computational Context
- Spring 2015 - CMDA 3606, Mathematical Modeling: Methods and Tools II
- Fall 2013 - Math 4445, Introduction to Numerical Analysis
- This course covers round-off errors, direct and iterative solutions of linear systems of equations, numerical solutions to least squares problems and eigenvalue problems, solutions of general non-linear equations and systems of equations. The main programming language for the course is Matlab.
- Fall 2013 - Math 2224, Multivariable Calculus
- Main topics include partial derivative, multiple integrals, and infinite series.
- Spring 2013 - Math 3054, Programming and Mathematical Problem Solving
- This course serves as an introductory programming course for Mathematics majors. We will study basic programming techniques for solving problems typically encountered by mathematicians. We start with procedural programming and towards the end of the course move to object-oriented programming techniques. The main programming language for the course is Matlab.
Previous courses at the University of Texas at Arlington
- Spring 2012 - Math 3330-003, Introduction to Matrices and Linear Algebra
- Solving systems of linear equations, matrix operations, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformation, othogonality, Gram-Schmidt process, projections, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
- Fall 2011 - Math 1426-005, Calculus I with labs
- Concepts of limit, continuity, differentiation and integration; applications of these concepts.
Previous courses at Emory University
- Spring 2007 - Math 112, Calculus II
- Fall 2006 - Math 112, Calculus II
- Content: Exponential and logarithmic functions; trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions; techniques of integration; numerical methods of integration; improper integrals; infinite sequences and series; polar coordinates.
Community Outreach
- Mathematics - Opportunities in Research and Education: Undergraduate Conferences at Virginia Tech and Clemson University
MORE 2019, STRIVE for MORE 2020, and STRIVE for MORE 2021 Virginia Tech AWM student group
UTA AWM Sonia Kovalevsky Day for 6-8th grade girls
AWM Sonia Kovalevsky High School Mathematics Day at Emory
Miami Dade College Tools for Success (TFS) Program
The University of Texas at Arlington was proud to host its first ever Sonia Kovalevsky Mathematics Day for 6th-8th grade girls on Saturday, April 21, 2012. The event was organized by Dr. Julianne Chung, Dr. Theresa Jorgensen, and Mrs. Julie Sutton. We received a generous grant from the Association for Women in Mathematics.
Click here to read about our Math Idol panel.
I helped to organize a math enrichment day for Atlanta area high school women and teachers. We prepared and received a grant from the Association for Women in Mathematics. I recruited local high schools for participating students, convinced local businesses to support the event with donations and discounts, and conducted a student workshop on Image Processing and Graphics.Click here to see our chapter's website.
I served on a career panel at Miami Dade College for students in the Tools for Success program. TFS is an NSF funded program aimed at increasing the number of under-represented students (minorities and women) completing undergraduate degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).