Course Atlas

The Course Atlas lists all courses offered in a given semester.

The Course Catalog lists all possible courses that can be offered. There is no guarantee that all listed classes will be offered in a given semester.

This page lists all of the classes offered for MATH in a given semester.


Undergraduate MATH Courses

MATH111 Calculus I Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC N306 TuTh      8:30AM - 9:45AM Leonardo Molinari 28
2 MSC N304 TuTh      10:00AM - 11:15AM Riti Bahl 28
3 MSC N304 TuTh      1:00PM - 2:15PM Neha Gupta 40
4 MSC N304 TuTh      2:30PM - 3:45PM Neha Gupta 40
5 MSC W303 TuTh      11:30AM - 12:45PM Ayush Basu 28
6 Atwood 316 TuTh      8:30AM - 9:45AM Benjamin Yellin 28
7 White Hall 200 TuTh      8:30AM - 9:45AM Guangqiu Liang 28
9 MSC N302 TuTh      8:30AM - 9:45AM Roberto Hernandez 28
MATH112 Calculus II Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC N304 TuTh      8:30AM - 9:45AM Maxwell Auerbach 28
2 MSC W303 TuTh      10:00AM - 11:15AM Jasmine Camero 28
3 MSC W301 TuTh      11:30AM - 12:45PM Vojtech Rodl 35
4 MSC W301 TuTh      1:00PM - 2:15PM Vojtech Rodl 35
5 PAIS 250 MW      1:00PM - 2:15PM Shilpi Mandal 28
6 MSC W303 MW      2:30PM - 3:45PM Alexis Newton 28
MATH116 Life Sciences Calculus II Credits: 4
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 White Hall 101 MW      10:00AM - 11:15AM Marie-Therese Wolfram 50
4 MSC W201 MW      2:30PM - 3:45PM Malena Sabate Landman 40
LAB2 MSC N302 F      10:00AM - 10:50AM Marie-Therese Wolfram
Francesco Brarda
LAB3 MSC W307C F      11:30AM - 12:20PM Marie-Therese Wolfram
Francesco Brarda
LAB5 MSC W301 F      11:30AM - 12:20PM Malena Sabate Landman
Emma Hart
LAB6 MSC W307C F      1:00PM - 1:50PM Malena Sabate Landman
Emma Hart
MATH210 Advanced Calculus for Data Sciences Credits: 4
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC W303 MW      8:30AM - 9:45AM Michael Carr 40
4 MSC N306 MW      10:00AM - 11:15AM Andrew Kobin 40
LAB2 MSC N304 F      10:00AM - 10:50AM Michael Carr
Anton Molnar
LAB3 MSC N304 F      11:30AM - 12:20PM Michael Carr
Anton Molnar
LAB5 MSC W301 F      8:30AM - 9:20AM Andrew Kobin
Francesco Brarda
LAB6 MSC W307C F      10:00AM - 10:50AM Andrew Kobin
Francesco Brarda
MATH211 Advanced Calculus (Multivariable) Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC W301 MW      8:30AM - 9:45AM Juan Villeta-Garcia 35
2 MSC N306 MW      1:00PM - 2:15PM Tianshi Xu 35
3 MSC W301 TuTh      10:00AM - 11:15AM Kai Fung Kan 35
4 MSC W303 TuTh      8:30AM - 9:45AM Jimena Martin Tempestti 35
MATH212 Differential Equations Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC N306 TuTh      1:00PM - 2:15PM Manuela Manetta 30
2 MSC N306 TuTh      11:30AM - 12:45PM Manuela Manetta 30
3 MSC N306 MW      8:30AM - 9:45AM Jay Mayfield 30
MATH221 Linear Algebra Credits: 4
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC E208
MSC N301
TuTh   11:30AM - 12:45PM
F   10:00AM - 10:50AM
Robert Roth
Elle Buser
2 MSC E208
New Psych Bldg 225
TuTh   11:30AM - 12:45PM
F   11:30AM - 12:20PM
Robert Roth
Elle Buser
3 Atwood 240
MSC N301
MW   1:00PM - 2:15PM
F   1:00PM - 1:50PM
Talea L. Mayo
Sean Longbrake
4 Atwood 240
MSC N301
MW   1:00PM - 2:15PM
F   2:30PM - 3:20PM
Talea L. Mayo
Sean Longbrake
5 MSC W201
MSC N302
TuTh   2:30PM - 3:45PM
F   11:30AM - 12:20PM
Deepanshu Verma
Griffin Johnston
6 MSC W201
MSC N302
TuTh   2:30PM - 3:45PM
F   1:00PM - 1:50PM
Deepanshu Verma
Griffin Johnston
7 MSC N302
MSC N306
MW   1:00PM - 2:15PM
F   11:30AM - 12:20PM
Jay Mayfield 30
MATH250 Foundations of Mathematics Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 New Psych Bldg 235 MW      11:30AM - 12:45PM Juan Villeta-Garcia 20
2 New Psych Bldg 225 MW      2:30PM - 3:45PM Juan Villeta-Garcia 20
4 Ignatius Few Building_131 TuTh      1:00PM - 2:15PM Aleksandr Polianskii 20
5 MSC W307C TuTh      2:30PM - 3:45PM Manuela Girotti 20
MATH276 Honors Vector Calculus Credits: 4
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC E408
MSC E406
TuTh   2:30PM - 3:45PM
F   1:00PM - 1:50PM
Lars Ruthotto
Sreejani Chaudhury
MATH297 Directed Study: The Geometry of Ryth Credits: 1
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 Rich Building 104 F      9:30AM - 10:30AM Juan Villeta-Garcia 5
MATH315 Numerical Analysis Credits: 4
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC W301
MSC W303
TuTh   8:30AM - 9:45AM
F   8:30AM - 9:20AM
Julianne Chung
Jack Michael Solomon
2 MSC W303 MW  10:00AM - 11:15AM
Th      10:00AM - 10:50AM
Lucas Onisk
Mitchell Scott
MATH321 Abstract Vector Spaces Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 New Psych Bldg 225 TuTh      1:00PM - 2:15PM Mikhail Lepilov 25
MATH345 Mathematical Modeling Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC W303 MW      11:30AM - 12:45PM Alessandro Veneziani 35
MATH346 Linear Optimization Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC N301 TuTh      2:30PM - 3:45PM Robert Roth 24
MATH347 Non-Linear Optimization Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC W301 MW      4:00PM - 5:15PM Elizabeth Newman 20
2 MSC N302 MW      4:00PM - 5:15PM Levon Nurbekyan 20
MATH351 Partial Differential Equations Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC W301 MW      2:30PM - 3:45PM Alessandro Veneziani 35
MATH362 Mathematical Statistics II Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 White Hall 111 TuTh      10:00AM - 11:15AM Nicole Yang 60
MATH412 Real Analysis II Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC W303 MW      1:00PM - 2:15PM Shanshuang Yang 35
MATH422 Abstract Algebra II Credits: 3
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC W307C TuTh      11:30AM - 12:45PM Suresh Venapally 20
MATH425 Mathematical Economics Credits: 4
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 MSC N301 MW      1:00PM - 2:15PM Michael Carr
Kyungmin Kim
MATH497r Directed Research - Mathematics through Movement Credits: 1
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment
1 Rich Building Dance Studio F      11:00AM - 12:30PM Manuela Manetta 16

Graduate MATH Courses

MATH512 Analysis II Credits: 3
Content: Topics will include: Measure and integration theory on the real line as well as on a general measure space, Bounded linear functionals on L^p spaces. If time permits, Sobolev spaces and Fourier transforms will be introduced.
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: TBA
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC E408 MW      11:30AM - 12:45PM David Borthwick 16
MATH516 Numerical Analysis, II Credits: 3
Content: This course covers fundamental concepts of numerical analysis and scientific computing. Material includes numerical methods for curve fitting (interpolation, splines, least squares), differentiation, integration, and differential equations. It is assumed that students have a strong background in numerical linear algebra.
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: TBA
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC W303 MW      1:00PM - 2:15PM Matthias Chung 16
MATH517 Iterative Methods for Linear Systems Credits: 3
Content: TBA
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: Prerequisite MATH 516
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC E408 MW      8:30AM - 9:45AM Yuanzhe Xi 16
MATH522 Algebra II Credits: 3
Content: Continuation of MATH 521. Topics: Modules, especially modules over a principal ideal domain, fields, Galois theory, representation of finite groups, Commutative algebra.
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: TBA
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC E406 TuTh      11:30AM - 12:45PM Parimala Raman 16
MATH532 Graph Theory II Credits: 3
Content: Topics include: independence of vertices and edges (matchings), factorizations and decompositions, coloring (both vertices and edges), and classic external theory.
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: TBA
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC W303 MW      4:00PM - 5:15PM Liana Yepremyan 16
MATH550 Functional Analysis Credits: 3
Content: An introduction to concepts and applications including: metric and normed spaces, Hilbert and Banach spaces, linear operators and functionals, compactness in metric and normed spaces, Fredholm's solvability theory, spectral theory, calculus in metric and normed spaces, selected applications.
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: Math 511, Math 512.
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC E408 MW      1:00PM - 2:15PM David Borthwick 16
MATH577R Seminar In Combinatorics Credits: 1-9
Content: The seminar in combinatorics is a research seminar for students and faculty. It runs weekly, and features speakers from outside Emory who come to talk about topics of interest to the Emory faculty.
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: TBA
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC W301 F      10:00AM - 10:50AM James Nagy 16
MATH578R Seminar In Algebra Credits: 1-9
Content: Research topics in algebra of current interest to faculty and students.
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: TBA
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC W201 MW      10:00AM - 11:15AM Suresh Venapally 50
2 MSC W303 Tu      4:00PM - 5:00PM 16
MATH590 Teaching Seminar Credits: 1
Content: This seminar will concentrate on effective teaching techniques in mathematics. Topics included will include: General advice for new TA's. General advice for International TA's. Students will present several practice lectures over different levels of material. They will receive practice on quiz and test preparation. Syllabus information on courses most likely to be taught by new TA's will be supplied. General professional development information will also be included.
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: TBA
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC W303 F      11:00AM - 12:00PM Bree Ettinger 16
MATH787R Topics in Combinatorics Credits: 3
Content: TBA
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: TBA
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC W301 TuTh      4:00PM - 5:15PM Cosmin Pohoata 16
MATH788 Topics in Algebra Credits: 1-9
Content: TBA
Texts: TBA
Assessments: TBA
Prerequisites: TBA
Section Location Meeting Time Instructor Enrollment (max)
1 MSC W303 TuTh      2:30PM - 3:45PM Parimala Raman 16