Calendar of events, April 2023

« March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 »
Gong - Honors Thesis Defense
DISC Seminar
Lars - Group Meeting
Math 362 - Office Hours
Group Meeting - Yuanzhe Xi
EPASS Learning Assistants
Seminar: Algebra
Onisk - Office Hours
Kobin - ANT Seminar
EPASS Learning Assistants
Defense: Dissertation
Defense: Dissertation
Roth - Meeting
Onisk - Office Hours
Kobin - Meeting
Group Meeting - Yuanzhe Xi
ROTH - MA221/330 Review
EPASS Learning Assistants
Seminar: CODES@emory
Onisk - Office Hours
RANT Seminar
Rodl - Calc II Problem Session...
EPASS Learning Assistants
Colloquium: Analysis and Differential Geometry
Wang - Colloquium
MA798 - P. Raman
DISC Seminar
Lars - Group Meeting
Math 362 - Office Hours
Group Meeting - Yuanzhe Xi
EPASS Learning Assistants
Seminar: Algebra
Seminar: Combinatorics
Onisk - Office Hours
Kobin - ANT Seminar
EPASS Learning Assistants
Rodl - Test Accomodations
Onisk - Office Hours
Kobin - Meeting
Group Meeting - Yuanzhe Xi
ROTH - MA221/330 Review
EPASS Learning Assistants
Seminar: CODES@emory
Seminar: Analysis and Differential Geometry
Onisk - Office Hours
RANT Seminar
Rodl - Calc II Problem Session...
EPASS Learning Assistants
Nagy - Tablet Demonstration
DISC Seminar
Lars - Group Meeting
Math 362 - Office Hours
Group Meeting - Yuanzhe Xi
EPASS Learning Assistants
Seminar: Algebra
Onisk - Office Hours
Kobin - ANT Seminar
EPASS Learning Assistants
Onisk - Office Hours
Kobin - Meeting
Group Meeting - Yuanzhe Xi
ROTH - MA221/330 Review
EPASS Learning Assistants
Onisk - Office Hours
RANT Seminar
Rodl - Calc II Problem Session...
EPASS Learning Assistants
Seminar: Analysis and Differential Geometry
DISC Seminar
Lars - Group Meeting
Math 362 - Office Hours
Group Meeting - Yuanzhe Xi
EPASS Learning Assistants
Review Sessions
Review Sessions
Review Sessions
Math Graduate Committee Meetin...
Keyes - Meeting
Taskovic - Colloquium
Ruthotto - Review Session
LTF Candidate Lecture
Ma - Dissertation
Ma - Dissertation
CS 171 - Review Session
SIAM Student Chapter