MATH Seminar
Title: Weak degeneracy of graphs |
Seminar: Discrete Math |
Speaker: Anton Bernshteyn of Georgia Tech |
Contact: Liana Yepremyan, liana.yepremyan@EMORY.EDU |
Date: 2022-03-16 at 4:00PM |
Venue: MSC E406 |
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Abstract: Motivated by the study of greedy algorithms for graph coloring, we introduce a new graph parameter, which we call weak degeneracy. This notion formalizes a particularly simple way of "saving" colors while coloring a graph greedily. It turns out that many upper bounds on chromatic numbers follow from corresponding bounds on weak degeneracy. In this talk I will survey some of these bounds as well as state a number of open problems. This is joint work with Eugene Lee (Carnegie Mellon University). |
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