MATH Seminar
Title: New building blocks for $\mathbb{F}_1$-geometry: band and band schemes |
Seminar: Algebra |
Speaker: Tong Jin of Georgia Institute of Technology |
Contact: Santiago Arango-Piñeros, |
Date: 2024-12-03 at 4:00PM |
Venue: MSC W303 |
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Abstract: Algebraic geometry over the ``field with one element'' was an idea first introduced by Jacquet Tits in the 1950s. After motivations from algebraic group theory and matroid theory, I will sketch the idea for band and band schemes along with their basic properties. There are various different topological spaces which one can associate to a band scheme $X$, and they correspond to various interesting combinatorial structures. This is based on a joint work with Matt Baker and Oliver Lorscheid. |
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