MATH Seminar
Title: The O-Z Conjecture and Ono's Fundamental Problem Number 1 |
Job Talk: N/A |
Speaker: Zachary Kent of The University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Contact: Susan Guppy, |
Date: 2010-05-18 at 1:00PM |
Venue: MSC W303 |
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Abstract: The study of mock modular forms and mock theta functions is one of the hottest areas in number theory with important works by Bringmann, Ono, Zagier, and Zwegers, among many others. The theory, which is still in its infancy, has many applications: additive number theory, elliptic curves, mathematical physics, representation theory, etc. Despite this high level of activity, many fundamental problems remain open. The first of Ono's "Fundamental Problems" is: Find a direct method for relating the coefficients of Zagier shadows and mock modular forms. Here I will announce a solution to this problem, and along the way will announce a proof of the O-Z Conjecture. |
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