MATH Seminar

Title: Introduction to GPU Computing: Basics of OpenCL
Seminar SIAM Student Chapter: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Speaker: Veronica Mejia Bustamante of Emory University
Contact: Veronica Mejia Bustamante,
Date: 2012-11-27 at 4:00PM
Venue: W306
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The Emory SIAM Student Chapter is pleased to present an introductory seminar to GPU computing. The seminar is open to both graduate and undergraduate students interested in learning more about this growing field of scientific computing applications. This seminar will provide an introduction to GPU programming in both the hardware and software level. We will discuss the hardware setup of a GPU and the threads execution model. We will also cover the basics of the OpenCL API including the programming model and memory hierarchy and discuss easy techniques to begin writing your first GPU program in OpenCL. This will be an informal session, no previous GPU computing experience is required. Great food will be provided during the seminar!

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