Straggler-tolerant stationary methods for linear systems
V. Kalantzis, Y. Xi, L. Horesh and Y. Saad
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., (2025), S1-S22.
Anderson Acceleration with Truncated Gram-Schmidt
Z. Tang, T. Xu, H. He, Y. Saad, and Y. Xi
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 45, (2024), pp 1850–1872.
Reducing Operator Complexity of Galerkin Coarse-grid Operators with Machine Learning
R. Huang, K. Chang, H. He, R. Li and Y. Xi
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An Adaptive Factorized Nyström Preconditioner for Regularized Kernel Matrices
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S. Zhao, T. Xu, H. Huang, E. Chow and Y. Xi
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NLTGCR: A class of Nonlinear Acceleration Procedures based on Conjugate Residuals
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H. He, Z. Tang, S. Zhao, Y. Saad and Y. Xi
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Data-Driven Linear Complexity Low-Rank Approximation of General Kernel Matrices: A Geometric Approach
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D. Cai, E. Chow and Y. Xi
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Data-driven construction of hierarchical matrices with nested bases
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D. Cai, H. Huang, E. Chow and Y. Xi
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Learning optimal multigrid smoothers via neural networks
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R. Huang, R. Li, and Y. Xi
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parGeMSLR: A Parallel Multilevel Schur Complement Low-Rank Preconditioning and Solution Package for General Sparse Matrices
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T. Xu, V. Kalantzis, R. Li, Y. Xi, G. Dillon, and Y. Saad
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Fast deterministic approximation of symmetric indefinite kernel matrices with high dimensional datasets
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D. Cai, J. Nagy, and Y. Xi
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A Rayleigh-Ritz method based approach to computing seismic normal modes in the presence of an essential spectrum
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J. Shi, R. Li, Y. Xi, Y. Saad, and M. de Hoop
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Fast randomized non-Hermitian eigensolvers based on rational filtering and matrix partitioning
V. Kalantzis, Y. Xi, and L. Horesh
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Preconditioning via GMRES in polynomial space
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X. Ye, Y. Xi, and Y. Saad
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A power Schur complement low-rank correction preconditioner for general sparse linear systems
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Q. Zheng, Y. Xi and Y. Saad
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Planetary normal mode computation: Parallel algorithms, performance, and reproducibility
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J. Shi, R. Li, Y. Xi, Y. Saad and M. de Hoop
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An ADMM-LAP method for total variation myopic deconvolution of adaptive optics retinal images
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Multi-Color Low-Rank preconditioner for general sparse linear systems
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Solving the 3D high-frequency Helmholtz equation using contour integration and polynomial preconditioning
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EVSL: Eigenvalues slicing library: Algorithms, methods and software description
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Structured FISTA for Image Restoration
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Fast computation of spectral densities for generalized eigenvalue problems
Y. Xi, R. Li and Y. Saad
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SMASH: Structured matrix approximation by separation and hierarchy
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A hierarchical low-rank Schur complement preconditioner for indefinite linear systems
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Beyond AMLS: Domain Decomposition with rational filtering
V. Kalantzis, Y. Xi and Y. Saad
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A rational function preconditioner for indefinite sparse linear systems
Y. Xi and Y. Saad
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Computing partial spectra with least-squares rational filters
Y. Xi and Y. Saad
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On the stability of some hierarchical rank structured matrix alogrithms
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A Thick-Restart Lanczos algorithm with polynomial filtering for Hermitian eigenvalue problems
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An algebraic multilevel preconditioner with low-rank corrections for sparse symmetric matrices
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Fast sparse selected inversion
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Fast reconstruction for multi-channel compressed sensing using a hierarchically semiseparable solver
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A fast randomized eigensolver with structured LDL factorization update
Y. Xi, J. Xia, and R. Chan
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Superfast and stable structured solvers for Toeplitz least squares via randomized sampling
Y. Xi, J. Xia, S. Cauley, and V. Balakrishnan
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 35 (2014), pp. 44-72.
A superfast structured solver for Toeplitz linear systems via randomized sampling
J. Xia, Y. Xi, and M. Gu
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Spectral-Refiner: Accurate Fine-Tuning of Spatiotemporal Fourier Neural Operator for Turbulent Flows
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Rethinking Neural-based Matrix Inversion: Why can’t, and Where
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Y. Ji, J. Wu, Y. Xi
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A Flexible Generative Model for Heterogeneous Tabular EHR with Missing Modality
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H. He, W. Hao, Y. Xi, Y. Chen, B. Malin, J. Ho
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Uncertainty-Aware Pre-Trained Foundation Models for Patient Risk Prediction via Gaussian Process
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AUTM Flow: Atomic Unrestricted Time Machine for Monotonic Normalizing Flows
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GDA-AM: Solve Minimax Optimizaton by Anderson Mixing
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H. He, S. Zhao, Y. Xi, J. Ho, Y. Saad
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Fast and Accurate Tensor Decomposition without a High-Performance Computing Machine
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Accelerating Parallel Hierarchical Matrix-Vector Products via Data-Driven Sampling
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Computing Planetary Interior Normal Modes with A Highly Parallel Polynomial Filtering Eigensolver
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J. Shi, R. Li, Y. Xi, Y. Saad and M.V. de Hoop
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AGE: Enhancing the Convergence on GANs using Alternating extra-gradient with Gradient Extrapolation
H. He, Y. Xi, J. Ho
In Deep Generative Models (DGMs) and Applications @ NeurIPS 2021 Oral.
Accelerated SGD for tensor decomposition of sparse count data
H. He, Y. Xi, Joyce C Ho.
In International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) 2020.