HiGP package
A C++ high performance Gaussian process package with Python interface.
Nonlinear acceleration methods
A collection of nonlinear acceleration methods for data science and scientific computing applications written in Python and MATLAB.
H2pack with data driven sampling and AFN preconditioner
Hierarchal matrix construction based on data-driven sampling provides linear complexity matrix-vector multiplication operations for general kernel matrices. A newly proposed Adaptive Factorized Nystrom preconditioner is also included in this package for solving general kernel matrices.
Eigenvalues Slicing Library (EVSL)
EVSL provides routines for computing eigenvalues located in a given interval, and their associated eigenvectors, of real symmetric - standard or generalized eigenvalue problems. It also provides tools for spectrum slicing, i.e., the technique of subdividing a given interval into p smaller subintervals and computing the eigenvalues in each subinterval independently. EVSL implements a polynomial filtered Lanczos (thick restart, no restart) a rational filtered Lanczos (thick restart, no restart), and a polynomial filtered subspace iteration.
Parallel Generalized Multilevel Schur Low-Rank (ParGeMSLR)
ParGeMSLR is a MPI-based C library for the solution of large and sparse (non)symmetric linear systems of equations. The Parallel GeMSLR preconditioner is purely algebraic and is based on a multilevel reordering of the original set of equations/variables.