

  1. A Two-level GPU-Accelerated Incomplete LU Preconditioner for General Sparse Linear Systems
    T. Xu, R. Li, and D. Osei-Kuffuor
    To appear in the International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
    Arxiv link
    Software: This work is implemented within the hypre package.

  2. Anderson Acceleration with Truncated Gram-Schmidt
    Z. Tang, T. Xu, H. He, Y. Saad, Y. Xi
    SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (2024)
    DOI: 10.1137/24M1648600
    Software: To be released.

  3. An Adaptive Factorized Nyström Preconditioner for Regularized Kernel Matrices
    S. Zhao, T. Xu, H. Huang, E. Chow, and Y. Xi
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2024)
    DOI: 10.1137/23M1565139
    Software: Github

  4. A Parallel Algorithm for Computing Partial Spectral Factorizations of Matrix Pencils via Chebyshev Approximation
    T. Xu, A. P. Austin, V. Kalantzis, and Y. Saad
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2023)
    DOI: 10.1137/22M1501155
    Software: Github

  5. parGeMSLR: A Parallel Multilevel Schur Complement Low-Rank Preconditioning and Solution Package for General Sparse Matrices
    T. Xu, V. Kalantzis, R. Li, Y. Xi, G. Dillon, and Y. Saad
    Parallel Computing (2022), Vol. 113
    DOI: 10.1016/j.parco.2022.102956
    Software: Github

  6. Superconvergence of Some Linear and Quadratic Functionals for Higher-Order Finite Elements
    V. Shaydurov, and T. Xu
    Finite Difference Methods, Theory and Applications (2015)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20239-6_8


  1. Multiscale Neural Networks for Approximating Green's Functions
    W. Hao, R. Li, Y. Xi, T. Xu, and Y. Yang
    Preprint: Arxiv (2024)
    Software: To be released.